Thursday, April 21, 2011
What is going on with Poor Mom
Poor Mom was fun , couponing is fun but sometimes life gets in the way and we have to let some things go for a while, this is one of those things. But before I sign off let me leave you with the Golden Rules of Couponing , something a few of the "t.v. extreme couponers" don't know or maybe forgot. If you follow the Golden Rules for couponers I PROMISE the cashier, manager and your fellow shoppers and couponers won't curse youi out the door .
1. Obey the lane limits ( 15 is 15 folks , with coupons 7 is 15 it's double the work)
2. Be organized and ready, especially if you are Rolling deals
3. Be courteous too. Just because you are the customer doesn't give you the right to act rude .
5 Don't CLEAR the shelves , you weren't raised by wolves ...were ya .
6. If you don't need it or won't use it and you don't donate you are foolish, selfish and ruining it for the rest of us .
7. Have fun, it's not supposed to stress you out !
Friday, July 16, 2010
Coupons for sale
There are many resources available to careful shoppers, who know the value of their hard earned dollars can be doubled, or tripled with the entry of a few special codes that they find through Internet businesses. It is a very rewarding feeling to get an item for free after applying an online coupon usage code into a small box on an Internet website. Shoppers are further rewarded by the online business by providing their customers with free shipping if their order total is more than a stated price.
Families are now able to enjoy eating out more often with the restaurant coupons that they find for their favorite restaurants online. Many of these eateries will fine tune the coupon selection to meet your geographical location based on your zip code. There are wide assortment of restaurants that participate in these discount programs and people rely on these discounted offerings to have a more enjoyable life.
There are point award programs that allow customers to shop through their web portals, and take advantage of a stellar selection of products and an online coupon usage code system in the comfort of their homes. The awards might include re-loadable shopping cards that can be used the same as cash at their favorite local retailer.
There are email marketing businesses that only require a person to fill out a free membership form to enjoy deep discounts offered through point award program. When people are simply tasked with opening an email, looking at an offer and choosing to participate or pass on the opportunity and be awarded points for the effort, these types of online coupon usage programs are rarely ignored.
There are people that put this activity on their daily schedule because they are rewarded handsomely for the effort. As points accrue, customers can pick and choose various online coupon usage discounts and some of these discounts are awarded in cash, or a specific dollar amount on a swipe card they can use at their favorite eating establishment or retail outlet.
Through Internet shopping malls that specialize in online coupon usage offerings, customers can quickly identify all stores in their local area that are offering online coupon usage discounts. From music, movies and game to furniture deals that make monstrous money saving additions to the family budget, Internet shoppers find it hard to pass up deal after deal.
With over 3000 coupons to be found on any given online website, customers feel very happy about their shopping experiences online. The deals are updated daily and customers feel that they have an excellent chance to be creative with their shopping and find great deals at the same time.
Learn about crawfish bait and catching crawfish at the Crayfish Facts site.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
New From Big Crumbs

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
$20 in printables & Tips
Have you been to Target lately and seen all the great cosmetics clearance. I managed to score $50 in cosmetics , after coupons for 3 bucks ! Tons of clearance match ups so haul out those about to expire cosmetics coupons and stock up !
It's Frozen Food month , have you been hoarding those freezer item coupons ? Looking like Von's is having some of the best deals this week with alot of items priced under a dollar. You can Also score a bunch of Freebies at Albertsons with their double coupons from this past Sunday's paper. If you're like me and get 5 papers , that equals 15 double coupons and 5 trips to Albertsons but hey it's Free !
Last but not Least 5% off at Las Vegas' independent grocer Glaziers for all military families every Thursday with military ID the entire month of March.
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