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New to Couponing ? Poor Mom Recommends

Thursday, April 21, 2011

What is going on with Poor Mom

Poor Mom is busy raising 2 rambunctious kids working as an Editor for and that doesn't leave a whole lot of time for finding AND posting the best deals and tips on savings. Poor Mom has and still has 3 e books and a website offering , in my opinion the simplest and most effective method of couponing and saving on everything at . If you are here to learn to coupon ( i'll bet you are watching extreme couponing ) you are in a good place. You can learn to stockpile, some terminology and lots of tips to save money on clothes, vacations, utilities and more . What you are not going to find a lot of is updated content, at least for a while.
Poor Mom was fun , couponing is fun but sometimes life gets in the way and we have to let some things go for a while, this is one of those things. But before I sign off let me leave you with the Golden Rules of Couponing , something a few of the "t.v. extreme couponers" don't know or maybe forgot. If you follow the Golden Rules for couponers I PROMISE the cashier, manager and your fellow shoppers and couponers won't curse youi out the door .
1. Obey the lane limits ( 15 is 15 folks , with coupons 7 is 15 it's double the work)
2. Be organized and ready, especially if you are Rolling deals
3. Be courteous too. Just because you are the customer doesn't give you the right to act rude .
5 Don't CLEAR the shelves , you weren't raised by wolves ...were ya .
6. If you don't need it or won't use it and you don't donate you are foolish, selfish and ruining it for the rest of us .
7. Have fun, it's not supposed to stress you out !


  1. OH YEAH ! All the links work here and we have AWESOME feeds with BRICKS COUPONS , Giveaways and more around the site You WILL find something good !

  2. Its the great points,you point.Thanks for the sharing,its really informative....As a Acne Mobile I really impressed from the post.


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