There are over $69.00 of coupons in All You magazine's July Issue . I of course read up as soon as it arrived yesterday in the mail . Aside form some great recipes like Apricot Pork Chops and Red Beans and rice for $1.86 per serving there were a few disappointing things in the Magazine this month ..sniff.
The article "Slash your Grocery Bills in Half" had , mostly , laugable and illogical tips ( at least to us semi-pro couponers) for saving money at the grocery store. One woman suggested buying your pastas etc.. at the Dollar store . Now I don't know about you but 1 my pasta runs about a dollar a box in the grocery store anyhow and 2. My dollar store doesn't accept coupons ( does yours?) So this means I personally would pay more for my pasta ( Free-.33 a box is my usual) would be MORE expensive ...OK Moving on
The next "tip" was from a woman who solicits a friend to hit the B1G1 sales so they can split the products and the cost down the middle so no one buys too much ... The point of saving money ,I thought , was to buy as much as you can stash when the price is good . Now most of you may or may not know that B1G1 sales are usually NOT your best deals at the grocery store anyhow ; unless you have a B1G1 free coupon too !
Lastly was the lady who commented on her coupon organizer , the dreaded accordian style , that she will use to file her Sunday coupons and sort through BEFORE shopping . While I use my Couponizer ( worlds best coupon organizer that's why it's for sale here ) and match up my coupons to store sale fliers I always keep my Couponizer up front on the seat . Every so often an item will be on clearance and I can match it with a coupon getting it for bare bones ( like the .59 cent organic cereal coup last week). I'd miss out on these deals if I didn't have an organizer that was as weel planned out as the couponizer.
Now for the All You magazine Good News , The All You Grocery Challenge. Basically you are "challenged" to spend no more than $25.00/week/family member . Toiletries and Household supplies excluded . You must save your receipts as you'll have to submit them if you are a finalist. The contest starts July 13th , 2009 and you can register before the 12th at . The grand Prize is $1000 Grocery card and a years supply of Knorr sides !
The article "Slash your Grocery Bills in Half" had , mostly , laugable and illogical tips ( at least to us semi-pro couponers) for saving money at the grocery store. One woman suggested buying your pastas etc.. at the Dollar store . Now I don't know about you but 1 my pasta runs about a dollar a box in the grocery store anyhow and 2. My dollar store doesn't accept coupons ( does yours?) So this means I personally would pay more for my pasta ( Free-.33 a box is my usual) would be MORE expensive ...OK Moving on
The next "tip" was from a woman who solicits a friend to hit the B1G1 sales so they can split the products and the cost down the middle so no one buys too much ... The point of saving money ,I thought , was to buy as much as you can stash when the price is good . Now most of you may or may not know that B1G1 sales are usually NOT your best deals at the grocery store anyhow ; unless you have a B1G1 free coupon too !
Lastly was the lady who commented on her coupon organizer , the dreaded accordian style , that she will use to file her Sunday coupons and sort through BEFORE shopping . While I use my Couponizer ( worlds best coupon organizer that's why it's for sale here ) and match up my coupons to store sale fliers I always keep my Couponizer up front on the seat . Every so often an item will be on clearance and I can match it with a coupon getting it for bare bones ( like the .59 cent organic cereal coup last week). I'd miss out on these deals if I didn't have an organizer that was as weel planned out as the couponizer.
Now for the All You magazine Good News , The All You Grocery Challenge. Basically you are "challenged" to spend no more than $25.00/week/family member . Toiletries and Household supplies excluded . You must save your receipts as you'll have to submit them if you are a finalist. The contest starts July 13th , 2009 and you can register before the 12th at . The grand Prize is $1000 Grocery card and a years supply of Knorr sides !
i agree with you! im sure all of you great couponers out there teaching us newbies are going to send your best comments to ALL YOU on real frugal grocery shopping! this is my second issue and even i thought those comments where no, no's lol