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New to Couponing ? Poor Mom Recommends

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cheap Store bought cleaning alternatives News/the-savings-experiment-household-cleaners/41934704001

What are the criteria for buying vs making your cleaning supplies. For me it is
1. How well do they work
2. How much do they cost
3. How eco-friendly they are

Some things, like kitchen cleaners can easily be eliminated with a sponge and some regular old dish soap. For quick disinfection I use 1/2 water / vinegar . You can scent your vinegar with an esscential oil. Eucalyptus or Pine essential oil blends nicely and the vinegar smell disipates when dry leaving a nice odor behid thanks to the oil.

If you have a Swiffer Wet Jet , which I love , You can make your own cleaner for tile or linoleum. My Husband pried off the top and put my vinegar mixture in .

As for toilet cleaning . Pumice Sticks are sold in stores , and you can use your pumice over and over again. Before bed put 2 tablespoons of straight bleach in each toilet, swish and let sit. In the morning scrub the bowl with your pumice stone. Shiny and disinfected.

Pet urine problem in the back yard ..a Bleach/ water mixture or Vinegar/ water mixture kills the odors and germs. In high concentrations both will kill plants and grass. Vinegar is a safer bet.

Clean windows with straight white vinegar and repurposed news paper .

How do you clean in a green and economical way ?


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